Presenter, Innovation, Communication, Artificial IntelligenceAbstract
The progress of the era of technology, communication and information is increasing day by day, one of which is proven by the use of AI (artificial intelligence). The aim of this research is to analyze the innovation of TV One presenters using Artificial Intelligence and its advantages and disadvantages. challenges in communication. This research uses the theory of diffusion of innovation by looking at the elements of Relative Advantages, Compatibility, Complexity, Triability, and Observability (can be seen). The method in this research is a qualitative descriptive method with a literature review. The results of this research are that TV One presenters in using Artificial Intelligence (AI) have various advantages (relative advantages), namely reducing the risk of errors, saving costs, saving time, fast and accurate. In terms of compatibility, Indonesian people are not yet used to the presence of AI presenters. Society needs human presenters more than ever because humans are better able to generate emotion and connect with audiences in ways that are difficult for AI to replicate. Apart from that, TV One's AI presenter was quite difficult to accept (complexity) because of the mismatch in the avatar's facial expressions and being boring when delivering the news. However, quite a few people also appreciate TV One's ability to adapt to technological developments. In the triability aspect of innovation, the AI TV One presenter was able to attract public enthusiasm in trying this innovation. The public believes that this innovation provides significant advantages and benefits. The presence of the AI TV One presenter certainly received a response from the public (observability). The responses given vary depending on the mindset of each person who receives the innovation.
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